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Spring Session- April 7th until June 12th/2025
Registration for SPRING 2025 session opens on March 21/2025 @9am
Open Gym/Evaluation will take place on March 24th- 5:30pm to 7pm. If your child has not attended classes at our club they will need to be assessed by our coaches. KinderGym does NOT require an evaluation.
Please note there will be NO CLASSES:
Thursday, May 15th- PD day
Monday, May 19th- Victoria Day
Make-up classes will be held on:
Monday, June 16th and Thursday, June 19th.
Winter Session ends on March 14th/2025
Please note there will be NO CLASSES:
Thursday, February 6th - PD day
Monday, February 17- Family Day
Make-up classes are as follows:
Thursday, March 20th
Monday, March 17th
If you have any questions, please send an email to
riversrecgym.info@gmail.com or a message through Facebook.
“Jump off the beam, flip off the bars, follow your dreams and reach for the stars.”
– Nadia Comaneci
Please note that if our system detects more than 2 hours of inactivity in your browser, your registration spots will no longer be reserved and you will need to begin again.