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Mini Ninja Warriors Information


Price: $280.00 plus $50.00 AGF Fee, if applicable

Length of Program: 10 Classes*

Pre-Requisites: Must be age 6 to enter Mini Ninja Warriors Program

General Information: Mini Ninja Warriors is a program that focuses on obstacle course training. This also helps the gymnast with split decision making, balance, and coordination.

AGF Fee: AGF is the Alberta Gymnastics Federation, it is the governing body for Alberta. They supply us with the liability insurance for each gymnast as well as each gymnast has to pay a fee for the CanGym Program and a yearly membership. These three fees equal $50, each club collects it on behalf of AGF, then we send one payment to them once our registration is finalized. This fee is only paid once per year (July 1 to June 30). 


*The program is designed to last for 10 weeks and for the classes to happen in those 10 weeks. But we do sometimes have to have make-up classes that can extend past the 10 weeks.

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We are so happy you are here!  Gymnastics is fun for everyone!


Reach out with any questions!